EBONAIRE virtual COUNSELING services

 This is where I am supposed to write a clever tagline that will convince you to pick me as your therapist.
But I don’t have one.

I know that given all that you are dealing with right now, a tagline and a picture are going to mean nothing. You have hit your limit with all that’s going on, tried everything you know and none of it is getting better. You want someone that you trust, who won’t judge you and is trained in finding solutions and strategies that can make things easier and better. Someone who will help make sense of the storm within and in your life.


Hi! I am Nam- a Brown immigrant woman and licensed therapist in California, with many degrees, one Indian accent and limitless conviction that life can get better for you sooner rather than later. So much so that I have chiseled down 19 years of experience as a therapist, to specialize in working with men just like you.

After generations of the world telling you to man up,go to work and not talk about your feelings…

you are now being called to be more sensitive, self aware, talk about your feelings AND be really good at it, right off the bat.


Life in 2024, comes with no playbook.

In fact, who decided what being a man is supposed to look like, anyway? Why does society get to decide how you must be, dress or live? There is no playbook (and there shouldn’t be one because your life is no game) but there is an option of you teaming up with a skilled professional who can help you write your own terms and conditions for YOUR life. Whether you are experiencing problems in your romantic relationship, feeling low in confidence at work, struggling to be the kind of parent you never had or feeling the loneliness of being different than what they said you must be…You do not have to figure it all out, by yourself. I know you do your best to do everything right, but something still feels feels missing…We can work together to find solutions for it all.




find out how:


Lets’ face it- therapy is a weird process. And thanks to the many Netflix shows that you may have binge watched during the pandemic, therapy may seem even weirder.

Telling a stranger all your secrets without knowing what comes next or what she will do with that information can feel strange. It was for me too when I looked for my therapist.
This is where I break down exactly how I can help using the specific approach that we will take to support you.No surprises.

COVID gobbled up life as we knew it and therapy is no exception. Except, not only did it change how therapy worked just 2 years ago, it made it better. The couch that the whole world and their mother (sometimes literally) sat on is now replaced by your very own. The expectation to dress presentably to go to someone else’s office is now replaced by the convenience of your pajamas. Needing to find time to commute is now 3 seconds of clicking a link on your phone wherever you are. Support is easy and accessible- quickly.
As soon we schedule our first session, you will be sent an exclusive link via email for our video session. On the day and time of your appointment, simply click the link to join.


I devoted an entire page to fees and payments so that you know exactly what your investment is about.
While my session fees range from 175-200 for 60 minutes, it may not be clear what it is you are actually paying for.
Additionally, you may even want to get some support from your health insurance in covering costs of services. Here are some common questions that I am asked, that I am happy to share answers to. 


As long as you want, in all honesty. While I have experienced backed data and ideas that suggest that 6 months is a reasonable commitment to this process and to yourself, for me to offer you my very best skills, this isn’t set in a stone. Our “problems” like ourselves, are unique and can be dismantled and solved at different paces. I have some clients who believe therapy is an on going process to stay self aware and grounded while others engage in therapy to find relief in specific areas of life and then want to be on their on their way. Both ways are right. It depends on what is best suited for YOU. So you can be in therapy for a week or years- it all depends on where it is YOU want life to be at that point.


Those that don’t fix boxes are almost always my favorite humans. You may not have any concerns related to men or
you maybe wanting help with the men in your life.

If what you see on here appeals to you anyway, chances are that that is because who you are and who I am- our personalities -likely connect. Please do write to me if so. We can chat, no strings attached, to see how best I can support you.


How does A woman specialize in therapy for men?
Fair question.

I, like you, live in a world that all other genders also live in. Which means, I have a secret sorcery-like gift.
I have intel on the gender I identify with and personal and professional experience of how your gender ticks. In 19 yrs of being a therapist, I have specialized in working with men for 13 and have designed specialized services to do the following:

- work with who you are and how you experience and face your world.

- move through the pressures and expectations you face as a person in a way that wont waste your time.

-Help you identify what’s going wrong and how to fix it, caringly and transparently.

-Ensure that you are not judged, pigeonholed or dismissed.

-Help you not be misunderstood by those around you.

- Offer practical solutions mixed with deep understanding of problems you face.

-Perfectly blend neuroscience with Game of Thrones references and still, somehow make it make sense.